Roots & Dub Appendix:

"O Tersies ships, weep; there are no house - fe it have been demolished, an there are no enterin; it have been revealed fe them iginnin from Keeteem country. O unu who live pon ilands an who cross pon the sea - ina whom Seedona merchants trade filled up, be calm. Sheehor seed an `Abbay river harvest were she income pon many Waters; an she were peoples market. O Seedona, shame, fe the sea, sea fortress, have spoken sayin - "I-man didn't labour, I-man didn't birth; an I-man didn't raise up braves, an I-man didn't raise up virgins." Labour shall seize them pon Theeros report - pon the time she report reached Gibts. Cross toward Tersies; unu who live pon ilands - weep."

Monday, 11 December 2023

Mutabaruka - Outcry [Shanachie LP, 1984]

::: DOWNLOAD :::

A1) Prisoner
A2) Outcry
A3) Rememberance
A4) Canaan Lan'
A5) Any Means Necessary
A6) Free Up De Lan'
B1) Blacks In America
B2) Sistas Poem
B3) Black Queen
B4) Nursery Rhyme Lament
B5) Saga Of 'Too Kool'

Produced by: Mutabaruka
Mixed by: Crucial Bunny & Errol Brown
Engineered by: Errol Brown, Dennis Thompson, Oswald Palmer & Crucial Bunny
Recorded & Mixed at: Tuff Gong & Music Mountain